Saturday, September 25, 2010

Curren in Taekwondo

Curren started Taekwondo back in June, and you start as a white belt, then slowly move your way up through higher belts. The next belt you earn is a white belt with a yellow stripe. He had to work very hard to earn this belt, there are so many things you have to do outside of class to earn it, it's a great program! Here he is at belt testing last night. I included a video of him breaking a board too!

Mark in NYC

Mark was so lucky, he finally got to go to New York City for a conference at work. Here he is roaming around and checking it out.
He got to go to a Braves / Mets baseball game while he was there. I know Grandma, you are super jealous. He sat 4 rows back from the Braves dugout, it was a fun game.

Sushi for dinner

We went out for sushi, and I really do try to get some good shots of Mark, but you all know how he really is, it's like he has spasms right before the camera flashes.... so here you go!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

A few random pictures

Jessie wanted to make something using the saw, so Mark drew out a flamingo and she cut it all out and spray painted it.
Curren is now holding it hostage.We took the canoe out to Hagg Lake again, and brought our friends Stacy and Richard, we had a really fun day. I love the blue canoe.
Comparison Shot! We finally got Curren's hair cut. He's growing up *sigh*

11 Year Anniversary

We have now been married for 11 years! Wow :)

Andrea was so nice and took the kids for the evening, so we could go on a date. Guess where I wanted to go? The Oregon State Fair... that's right, I am so demanding aren't I? We had a great time. The pictures all have Mark in them, I am the official photographer in the family, I suppose I should have had some taken with both of us in them!

The Air Show

Here are some pictures Mark took at the Portland International Air Show. It was such a great show!!! We went with our friends to the night show, it was so worth it. If you scroll down further in the blog here, there is a video of the Harrier Jet, go watch!

The Park

I should have posted this several weeks ago, but oh well. We've been going to the new park a lot lately. This was when Nikki and Lilyanne were here at the beginning of August. It's a really fun place.

Target Practice

Since our backyard looks like a desert wasteland (at least the hole is filled in!) the boys have been doing a little target practice...
and Flamingos???

Indian Beach with our Friends

We went to Indian Beach (just north of Cannon Beach) for the evening on Friday. We left warm sunny weather in Portland to cool misty weather at the coast. Andrea and I got in the water to boogie board, the kids all got soaked and sandy... you could say it was a successful day!
John and Corring came with their kids yay!
Andrea had these cool lanterns that you light and they float up into the sky and disappear, it was really awesome.

Harrier Jet 2010 Air Show

I made a video of the Harrier Jet at the 2010 Portland International Air Show. I didn't know a jet could go backwards! What the heck! The video of it is the jet hovering in mid air, rotating and then flying off. It was so LOUD and really awesome.